*English below
Obveščamo vas, da bo od jutrišnjega dne, 15. september, študijski prostor na Santorijevi zaprt zaradi obnove.
S študijskim letom 2023/24 pa se prostor na Santorijevi ne bo več uporabljal kot študijska soba, saj bo zaradi stiske s prostori na fakulteti ta v uporabi za kabinete zaposlenih.
Prijazno vabljeni, da se poslužujete ostalih dveh študijskih sob – na Glagoljaški 8 in na Kettejevi 1.
Podatke o njihovi razpoložljivosti najdete > TUKAJ.
We would like to inform you that from tomorrow, September 15th, the Santorijeva premises will be temporarily closed due to renovation.
With the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year, the space at Santorijeva will no longer be used as a study room, as it will be allocated for the offices of faculty staff due to limited space.
You are invited to make use of the other two study rooms – located at Glagoljaška 8 and Kettejeva 1.
Information about their availability can be found > HERE.