Oddelek za biodiverziteto vabi na 6. SEMINAR IZ MORSKIH VSEBIN

Šesti seminar z naslovom “Exploring the microplastic pollution of waterways,” bo izvedla Mateja Grego, v sredo29. novembra 2023, v predavalnici Epsilon (pritličje), od 12. do 13. ure. 


Seminar bo izveden v tistem jeziku, v katerem je naveden naslov.

This presentation delves into recent research findings concerning the pervasive issue of microplastic pollution in marine environments. It provides an overview of published results from scientific journals, encompassing the pollution of both seawater and sediment, as well as the intricate pathways of microplastics in the sea. With the escalating volume of research papers in recent years, the focus narrows down to the Mediterranean Sea, shedding light on the specific challenges and dynamics of microplastic pollution in this region. Finally, we will explore the issue of microplastic pollution in Slovenian rivers, where the research involved the wider public in the sampling process.


Mateja Grego is a marine biologist researching the impact of anthropogenic pollution, particularly from aquaculture and maritime traffic, on meiofaunal diversity and microplastic pollution in coastal sediments and rivers. The lecturer performed part of her PhD at the University of Ghent (experiments in situ and in vitro with 13C isotopes to study the benthic food webs) and postdoc at the University of Vienna (hypoxia/anoxia impact on harpacticoid copepod community). Since 2021, She has been coordinating the Plastic Pirates – Go Europe citizen science project in Slovenia. Additionally, Mateja serve as a National delegate in the Horizon Europe Mission Ocean working group. She also organized a summer school for the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC+) in Piran in 2012, which led to one of the pioneering articles on microplastic pollution in marine sediments.