Posnetek posveta o trendih na področju akademske etike in integritete//A CONSULTATION ON TRENDS IN ACADEMIC ETHICS AND INTEGRITY

*English below

V torek, 24. 10. 2023, je na UP potekal Posvet o trendih na področju akademske etike in integritete, ki ga je organizirala Komisija za etična vprašanja UP.

V zadnjih letih in mesecih beležimo na področju akademske integritete in etike večje premike, saj smo priča vzniku orodij umetne inteligence v visokošolskem prostoru obenem pa beležimo paradigmatski premik v pristopanju k kršitvam študentov. Umetna inteligenca tako vzbuja precej vprašanj, povezanih s kakovostjo in kredibilnostjo študentskih izdelkov, medtem ko se na področju kršitev študentov od retributivne pravičnosti ukrepanje preveša v restitutivno pravičnost, ki skuša razumeti okoliščine nastanka kršitev.

Na posvetu je dr. Tomaž Grušovnik predstavil tako Trende na področju akademske etike in integritete kot Rezultate in analizo mnenjske ankete o kršitvah študentov pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja na UPdr. Ernest Ženko je predstavil Stališče do rabe umetne inteligence na UP (PPT), sledila še je predstavitev dr. Grušovnika o delu Komisije UP za etiko v raziskavah, ki vključujejo delo z ljudmi. Srečanje je zaokrožila Ingrid Orel s predstavitvijo Akademske integritete in Načrta integritete UP.

Na dogodku so bili posebno predstavljeni izsledki delovne skupine za pripravo dokumenta z delovnim naslovom “Stališče do rabe umetne inteligence na Univerzi na Primorskem“, ki je bil sprejet na 2. redni seji Senata UP, 18. 10. 2023.

On Tuesday, 24 October 2023, a Consultation on Trends in Academic Ethics and Integrity was held at UP, organised by the UP Ethics Commission.

In recent years and months, we have seen major shifts in the field of academic integrity and ethics, as we are witnessing the emergence of artificial intelligence tools in the higher education area, and at the same time we are witnessing a paradigmatic shift in confronting academic misconduct. Artificial intelligence thus raises a number of questions related to the quality and credibility of student-written products, while in the field of student violations, the action shifts from retributive justice to restitutive justice, which tries to understand the circumstances of the occurrence of violations.

At the consultation, Dr. Tomaž Grušovnik presented both the Trends in Academic Ethics and Integrity and the Results and Analysis of the Opinion Survey on Student Misconduct in Examination and Assessment at UPDr. Ernest Ženko presented his position on the use of artificial intelligence at UP, followed by Dr. Grušovnik’s presentation on the work of the UP Commission for Ethics in Research Involving Work with Human Subjects. The meeting was rounded off by Ingrid Orel‘s presentation of the Academic Integrity and the UP Integrity Plan.

The event also presented the findings of the working group for the preparation of the document titled “Position on the use of artificial intelligence at the University of Primorska” (just in SLO), and the working group for the implementation of the UP Integrity Plan.