Pridruži se ekipi prostovoljcev na WOODRISE 2022 / Join the WOODRISE 2022 volunteering team

Prostovoljci so obraz kongresa!

Nič se ne zgodi brez vas in uspeh dogodka je odvisen od vašega nasmeha in ponujenih rešitev vsem, ki pristopijo do vas.

Vabimo vas, da z nami soustvarite najbolj priznan globalni dogodek na svetu na področju višjih lesenih zgradb in se nam pridružite pri soustvarjanju nepozabnih trenutkov.

Prijave so odprte!

Želim biti prostovoljec/ka na WOODRISE 2022!


Prostovoljcem ponujamo:

  • Brezplačni dostop do predavanj in spremljevalnih dogodkov;
  • Podporo in mentorstvo;
  • Ustrezno uvajanje pred dogodkom;
  • Reference in certifikat;
  • Namestitev v Portorožu v času kongresa.

Za nas ste pravi:

  • Ne glede na profil;
  • Če ste iznajdljivi;
  • Če se držite dogovorov;
  • Če govorite angleško, morda celo druge jezike.

Za več informacij nam pišite na

Veselimo se srečanja z vami!

Volunteers are the face of the congress!

Nothing happens without you and the success of the event depends on your smiling can-do attitude.

We invite you to co-create the most renowned global event in the field of taller wooden buildings and join us in creating memorable times.

Applications are open!

I want to volunteer for the WOODRISE 2022!


You will receive:

  • Free access to lectures and other events;
  • Support and mentorship;
  • Relevant training prior to the event;
  • Reference and certification;
  • Accomodation in Portorož during the congress.

You are right for us:

  • Regardless of your profile;
  • If you consider yourself resourceful;
  • If you can keep agreements;
  • If you speak English, maybe even other languages.

 For more information or to get in touch, write to us at

We look forward to hearing from you!