Že veš kam naprej? Poznaš vse svoje možnosti? Si željan novega znanja, pa se ti zdi, da si za študij že prestar? Pridi in se pozanimaj!
Dne 18. aprila 2023, med 9.00 in 18.00, v Kopru (na dvorišču UP Fakultete za humanistične študije) boste imeli priložnost pridobiti vse informacije na enem mestu, saj Univerza na Primorskem organizira UPgrade – sejem magistrskih in doktorskih študijskih programov UP, kjer bodo predstavljene:
- fakultete Univerze na Primorskem in študijski programi,
- možnosti nadaljevanja študija na UP,
- možnosti prehajanja med programi;
- kako lahko usklajujete delo in študij ter
- kako se lahko vključujete v ostale aktivnosti univerze.
Na dogodku, ki bo ponujal mnogo več kot le predstavitev študijskih programov 2. in 3. stopnje študija, boste lahko obiskovalci pridobili informacije tudi o mednarodnih izmenjavah, vpisnih pogojih in postopkih, pomembnosti kompetenc in razlogih, zakaj se za odločiti za študij ob delu tudi v kasnejših letih. Na različnih točkah se bodo predstavljali:
- UP Fakulteta za humanistične študije
- UP Fakulteta za management
- UP Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije
- UP Fakulteta za turistične študije – Turistica
- UP Fakulteta za vede o zdravju
- UP Pedagoška fakulteta
- UP Inštitut Andrej Marušič
- UP Univerzitetna knjižnica
- UP Center znanosti – Akvarij Piran in Arheološki park Simonov zaliv
- Karierni center UP
- Vpisna služba UP
Predstavitve študijskih programov se bodo izvajale na dvorišču pri Pretorski palači. S prijavo v obrazcu (na dnu novice) si zagotovite mesto na predstavitvi.
9.00 | Data Science | UP FAMNIT | Doc. dr. Vida Groznik |
9.30 | Socialna Pedagogika | UP PEF | Doc. Dr. Ana Bogdan Zupančič |
10.00 | Ekonomija in finance | UP FM | Izr. Prof. Dr. Suzana Laporšek |
10.30 | Politologija | UP FM | Doc. Dr. Andreja Pegan |
11.00 | Računalništvo in informatika | UP FAMNIT | Izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Kljun |
11.30 | Turizem | UP FTŠ Turistica | Dr. Petra Zabukovec Baruca |
12.00 | Andragogika | UP PEF | Alja Polanec, študentka |
13.00 | Športna vzgoja | UP FVZ | Asist. Irena Kleibencetl |
13.30 | Management | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Aleksander Janeš |
14.00 | Dediščinski turizem | UP FTŠ Turistica + UP FHŠ |
14.30 | Varstvo narave | UP FAMNIT | Doc. dr. Živa Fišer |
15.00 | Inkluzivna Pedagogika | UP PEF | Doc. Dr. Karmen Drljić |
16.00 | Psihologija in Biopsihologija | UP FAMNIT | Dr. Vesna Jug |
16.30 | Management trajnostnega razvoja | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Mirko Markič |
17.00 | Pravo za management | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Zirnstein |
Dodatne vsebine se bodo izvajale v Santorijevi sobi v stavbi Univerze na Primorskem (pritličje Armerije).
11.00 | Male skrivnosti velikih študentov, delavnica | UP | Vpisna služba in Karierni center UP |
12.00 | Miti in skupinska zavest, pogovor s prof. dr. Metko Zupančič | UP FHŠ | Oddelek za uporabno jezikoslovje in Center za jezike UP, Metka Zupančič in Polona Oblak |
12.30 | Ostani na UP in postani mladi raziskovalec. | UP FM | Asist. Jan Frančeškin |
13.00 | Ostani na UP kot strokovni sodelavec | UP | Pravna in kadrovska služba UP |
14.30 | Praktično delo v Arheološkem parku in možnosti za promocijo/komunikacijo arheoloških spoznanj | UP CZ – Arheološki park Simonov zaliv | Andrej Preložnik |
15.00 | Kako izgleda delo v akvariju in česa kot obiskovalci običajno ne vidite? | UP CZ – Akvarij Piran | Akvarij Piran – dr. Manja Rogelja |
16.00 | Male skrivnosti velikih študentov, delavnica | UP | Vpisna služba in Karierni center UP |
17.00 | Študij 35+, pogovor s študenti UP, ki so se za študij odločili v poznejših letih | UP | Petra Majcen, Silvana Shoposki |
Ves dan bo na voljo tudi informativno svetovanje Kariernega centra in Vpisne službe, možnost pa boste imeli tudi pogovora s predstavniki referata. Na voljo vam bosta ves dan referat UP FVZ in UP FHŠ, med 9.00 in 10.00 ter med 13.00 in 14.00 pa tudi predstavnica referata UP PEF.
Se vidimo!
Already know where to go next? Do you know all your options? Are you hungry for new knowledge but feel you are too old to study? Come and find out!
The University of Primorska is organising a fair for master’s and doctoral programmes “UPgrade! – expand your knowledge”, which will take place on Tuesday, 18 April between 9 am and 6 pm in the atrium of the Pretorska Palace and UP FHŠ.
The event will offer much more than just a presentation of the 2nd and 3rd cycle study programmes, visitors will also be able to find out about international exchanges, entry requirements and procedures, the importance of competences and reasons to choose to study alongside work in later years. At various points, there will be presentations of:
- UP Faculty of Humanities
- UP Faculty of Management
- UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
- UP Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica
- UP Faculty of Health Sciences
- UP Faculty of Education
- UP Andrej Marušič Institute
- UP University Library
- UP Science Centre – Aquarium Piran and Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv
- UP Career Centre
- UP Enrolment Service
**NOTICE** – all the presentations will be held in Slovenian language. You are very welcome to stop by the info points of the faculties and get the information you need. You can also attend the presentations and/or chat with the lecturer before or after the individual event. We are sure they will be happy to answer all your questions. We have marked with a * the study programmes, that are held in the English language as well.
Presentations of study programmes will be held in the courtyard of the Pretorian palace. By registering in the form (at the bottom of the article) you can secure your place at the presentation.
9.00 | Data Science * | UP FAMNIT | Doc. dr. Vida Groznik |
9.30 | Social Pedagogy | UP PEF | Assist. Prof. Dr. Ana Bogdan Zupančič |
10.00 | Economics and Finance * | UP FM | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suzana Laporšek |
10.30 | Political Science * | UP FM | Assist. Prof. Dr. Andreja Pegan |
11.00 | Computer science and informatics | UP FAMNIT | Assoc. Prof. dr. Matjaž Kljun |
11.30 | Tourism | UP FTŠ Turistica | Dr. Petra Zabukovec Baruca |
12.00 | Andragogy | UP PEF | Alja Polanec, študentka |
13.00 | Sports Education | UP FVZ | Assist. Irena Kleibencetl |
13.30 | Management * | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Aleksander Janeš |
14.00 | Heritage Toursim | UP FTŠ Turistica + UP FHŠ |
14.30 | Nature conservation | UP FAMNIT | Assist. prof. dr. Živa Fišer |
15.00 | Inclusive pedagogy | UP PEF | Assist. prof. dr. Karmen Drljić |
16.00 | Psychology and Biopsychology | UP FAMNIT | Dr. Vesna Jug |
16.30 | Sustainable Development Management | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Mirko Markič |
17.00 | Law for management | UP FM | Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Zirnstein |
The additional activities will be held in the Santori Room in the University of Primorska building (ground floor of the Armeria).
11.00 | Little secrets of great students, workshop | UP | Admission office and Career center |
12.00 | Myths and Group Consciousness, discussion with Prof. Dr. Metko Zupančič | UP FHŠ | Department of Applied Linguistics and UP Language Centre, Metka Zupančič and Polona Oblak |
12.30 | Stay at UP and become a young researcher. | UP FM | Asist. Jan Frančeškin |
13.00 | Stay at UP as administrative staff | UP | UP Legal and Human Resources Department |
14.30 | Practical work in the Archaeological Park and possibilities for promotion/communication of archaeological findings | UP CZ – Arheološki park Simonov zaliv | Andrej Preložnik |
15.00 | What does the work in the aquarium look like and what do you as visitors usually not see? | UP CZ – Akvarij Piran | Aquarium Piran – dr. Manja Rogelja |
16.00 | Little secrets of great students, workshop | UP | Admission office and Career center |
17.00 | Study 35+, discussion with UP students who decided to study in their later years | UP | Petra Majcen, Silvana Shoposki |
Throughout the day, the Career Centre and the Enrolment Service will be available for information and advice, and you will also have the opportunity to talk to representatives of the Registrar’s Office. The UP FVZ and UP FHŠ Student Offices will be available throughout the day, as well as a representative of the UP PEF Student Office between 9.00 and 10.00 and between 13.00 and 14.00.
See you there!