Prijava za prostovoljce/-ke na dogodkih UP ob začetku študijskega leta // Registration for volunteers at UP events at the start of the academic year

V začetku študijskega leta UP ponovno organizira serijo dogodkov, ki so namenjeni tako novim kot tudi že aktualnim študentom UP. Vaše izkušnje so pri tem neprecenljive, zato vas vabimo, da postanete prostovoljec/-ka in nam pri izvedbi dogodkov pomagate. 

Letos bomo izvedli sledeče dogodke: 

  • Online Preparatory days 1; Ponedeljek in četrtek med 14. in 15. uro med 21. avgustom in 1. septembrom 2023, ZOOM 
  • Online Preparatory days 2; Ponedeljek in četrtek med 14. in 15. uro med 11. in 22. septembrom 2023, ZOOM 
  • Orientation days; 27.-30. september 2023, Koper, Izola in Portorož 
  • ŠtartUP dogodek; 7. oktober 2023, Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper – za VSE študente UP 

Pomagate lahko na enem ali več dogodkih, na vseh pa lahko sodelujete celoten čas trajanja ali le delno. Kako je bilo lani, si lahko ogledate tukaj: Orientation days / ŠtartUP.

Postati prostovljec/-ka na teh dogodkih pomeni:

  • pomagati bodočim študentom pri privajanju na novo okolje,  
  • deliti znanje o poteku študija in ob-študijskih dejavnostih, 
  • na zabaven način prikazati mesto in fakultetni prostor, 
  • preživeti dneve v zabavni in mednarodno obarvani družbi, 
  • širiti mrežo poznanstev, 
  • pridobivati nove kompetence ključne za večanje zaposljivosti  
  • ter mnogo drugega. 

Prijave prostovoljcev sprejemamo TUKAJ.  

Za vašo pripravljenost in trud se vam že v naprej zahvaljujemo.  
Se vidimo! 

*** ENG

At the beginning of the new academic year, UP is once again organising a series of events intended for both new and current UP students. Your experience is invaluable, so we invite you to volunteer and help us with the organisation.  

The following events will be organized this year:  

  • Online Preparatory Days 1; Monday and Thursday between 2pm and 3pm between 21 August and 1 September 2023, Zoom 
  • Online Preparatory days 2; Monday and Thursday between 2pm and 3pm between 11 and 22 September 2023, Zoom 
  • Orientation days; 27-30 September 2023, Koper, Izola and Portorož 
  • StartUP event; 7 October 2023, Žusterna Seaside Park, Koper – for ALL UP students        

You are welcome to participate in all the events or in a single event, for the entire duration of the event or just for a part of it. You can see how it was last year hereOrientation days / StartUP 

Being a volunteer at UP events means: 

  • helping future students get used to new environment,  
  • sharing knowledge about the study process and extra-curricular activities, 
  • introducing the city and the university in a fun way, 
  • spending days in a fun and international atmosphere, 
  • expanding your network of friends, 
  • enhancing employability by acquiring new skills,   
  • and much more. 

Interested volunteers can apply HERE.  

Thank you in advance for your willingness and effort.  

See you there!