Priložnost za Erasmus+ praktično usposabljanje: Delo na Generalnem konzulatu RS v Münchnu // Erasmus+ Traineeship Opportunity: Internship at the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Munich

Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Münchnu ponuja možnost opravljanja Erasmus+ študijske prakse študentom slovenskih univerz.

Pogoji za opravljanje Erasmus+ prakse:

  • znanje nemškega jezika
  • znanje drugih tujih jezikov je prednost
  • zaželeno je 3-6 mesečno opravljanje prakse (od februarja 2024 naprej).


  • Zainteresirani kandidati za prijavo na študijsko prakso lahko pošljejo svoj življenjepis (največ dve A4 strani) in motivacijsko pismo (največ ena A4 stran) v slovenščini ali nemščini, skupaj s preferenčno navedbo obdobja opravljanja prakse, na

Prijava na razpis Erasmus+ za mobilnost z namenom praktičnega usposabljanja

  • Za vsa vprašanja o prijavi in pridobitvi Erasmus+ sredstev za praktično usposabljanje je na voljo FAMNIT Mednarodna pisarna (


The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Munich, extends an invitation to students from Slovenian universities for Erasmus+ internships.

Eligibility criteria for Erasmus+ internships:

  • Proficiency in the German language.
  • Knowledge of other foreign languages is advantageous.
  • A preferred internship duration of 3-6 months (starting from February 2024).

Overview of Internship Responsibilities:

  • Managing correspondence.
  • Preparation and maintenance of materials and databases.
  • Participation in professional and information meetings with subsequent reporting.
  • Monitoring cultural, political, and social conditions in the country.
  • Assistance in the preparation of reports, analyses, and organizing events.
  • Collaboration in embassy and cultural center activities.
  • Preparation of newsletters and texts for publication on the website or social networks.

How to Apply:

  • Interested candidates seeking an internship at the consulateare invited to submit their CV (maximum two A4 pages) and a motivation letter (maximum one A4 page) in Slovene or German to

For any inquiries regarding the Erasmus+ call for mobility for traineeship, the FAMNIT International Office ( is available to provide assistance.