Priložnost za praktično usposabljanje študentov: Juvenia Youth Research and Development Centre, Finska // Call for Trainees and Researchers at Juvenia Youth Research and Development Centre in Finland

Juvenia, priznani del Univerze uporabnih znanosti Jugovzhodne Finske (Xamk), je vodilna institucija na področju raziskav in razvoja mladih od leta 2008. Center izvaja lokalne, nacionalne in mednarodne projekte, s poudarkom na ključnih področjih, kot so mladina in šport, državljanstvo, migracije, digitalna angažiranost in podeželska mladina. Juvenia je prav tako močno vpletena v nacionalni razvoj in mednarodna sodelovanja na področju mladinskega sektorja.

Možnosti praktičnega usposabljanja za študente

Juvenia ponuja dve zanimivi možnosti za izmenjavo za mednarodne študente in raziskovalce:

  1. Praktično usposabljanje za študente dodiplomskih ali magistrskih študijev (pomlad 2025):
  2. Gostujoči raziskovalec za doktorske študente ali raziskovalce na področju mladine:

Postopek prijave

  • Za prijavo zainteresirani kandidati oddajo motivacijsko pismo v angleščini (največ 2 strani formata A4), v katerem podrobno opišete svojo izobrazbo, interese in motivacijo za prijavo.
  • Priložite pismo (v PDF formatu) skupaj s svojo fotografijo in jih pošljite po e-pošti gospodu Anttiju Rantanivi na naslov do 22. septembra 2024

Izbrani kandidati bodo povabljeni na razgovor. Potrjeni kandidati morajo biti nominirani s strani institucije pošiljateljice do 15. oktobra 2024 in izpolniti spletno prijavo za Xamk do 31. oktobra 2024.

Za več informacij o ponujneih priložnostih in postopku prijave kontaktirajte gospoda Anttija Rantanivo na

Spletna stran:

Za vse informacije o možnostih Erasmus+ sofinanciranja ter prijavi na Erasmus+ razpis za študentske mobilnosti z namenom praktičnega usposabljanja, je na voljo FAMNIT Mednarodna pisarna,


Juvenia, a distinguished part of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk), has been a leader in youth research and development since 2008. The center conducts local, national, and international projects, focusing on key areas such as youth and sport, citizenship, migration, digital engagement, and rural youth. Juvenia is also deeply involved in national development and international collaborations in the youth sector.

International Exchange Opportunities

Juvenia offers two exciting exchange options for international students and researchers:

  1. Practical Training for Bachelor’s or Master’s Students (Spring 2025):
    • Duration: 2-4 months
    • This is an unpaid opportunity, but Erasmus+ co-funding for student mobility for traineeships is available. Juvenia provides a workspace, personalized guidance from experienced staff, and a unique insight into Finnish youth work, alongside high-level youth research and development.
  2. Visiting Researcher for PhD Students or Youth Researchers:
    • Juvenia offers PhD students or researchers in the youth field an opportunity to join as visiting researchers. While the visit is unpaid, Erasmus+ co-funding for student mobility for traineeships is available. The center provides a workspace, an introduction to Finnish youth work and the education sector, and networking opportunities within the research and development community.

How and When to Apply

  • To apply, please submit a motivation letter in English (maximum 2 A4 pages) detailing your background, interests, and why you are the ideal candidate for this exchange.
  • Attach the letter (in PDF format) along with a photo, and email them to Mr. Antti Rantaniva at by September 22, 2024

Selected applicants will be invited for an interview. Final candidates must be nominated by their sending institution by October 15, 2024, and complete an online application for Xamk by October 31, 2024.

For more information on exchange opportunities and application procedure,  contact Mr. Antti Rantaniva at the email


For all information regarding Erasmus+ co-funding opportunities and applying for the Erasmus+ call for student mobility for practical training, the FAMNIT International Office is available at