Projekt AI-NURECC PLUS: kratka anketa // AI-NURECC PLUS Project: short survey

Projekt AI-NURECC PLUS potrebuje vašo pomoč!

Izvaja se študija krožnega gospodarstva Jadransko-jonske regije, ki ima za cilj izdelati pregled stanja krožnega gospodarstva v Jadransko-jonski regiji, hkrati pa identificirati priložnosti in izzive ter podati priporočila za nadaljnji razvoj in izvedbo krožnega prehoda. V ta namen se izvajajo ankete.

Vse študente vabimo, da do 15. maja izpolnite anketo. Kratka anketa je dostopna tukaj.

Vaše povratne informacije in odzivi so zelo dragoceni in bodo zagotovili vpogled v perspektivo mladih v jadransko-jonski regiji! Bodite del spremembe … Prispevajte k izgradnji znanja za doseganje krožnega prehoda v regiji!


AI-NURECC PLUS Project needs your help!

A circular economy study of the Adriatic-Ionian region is being conducted aiming to produce an overview of the status of the circular economy in the Adriatic-Ionian region while identifying opportunities, and challenges and providing recommendations for further development and implementation of the circular transition. For this purpose, surveys are being conducted.

All students are invited to fill in the survey by May 15. The short survey is available here.

Your feedback and response are highly valuable and will provide an insight into the perspective of the youth in the Adriatic-Ionian region! Be part of the change… Contribute to building the knowledge to achieve the circular transition in the region!