V ponedeljek, 28. maja 2012., bo v seminarski sobi v Galebu, potekal raziskovalni matematični seminar. Predavanja bosta ob 10. in ob 11. uri.
Vljudno vabljeni.
10:00-11:00 Lecturer: dr. Wilfried Imrich (University of Leoben, Austria)
Title:The distinguishing and endomorphism distinguishing number of graphs and groups
Abstract: The distinguishing number of graphs was introduced by Albertson and Collins 1996, and has spawned a wealth of results on finite and infinite structures. The idea of the distinguishing number is to break symmetries efficiently, where “symmetries” stands or automorphisms. If one also wishes to break endomorphisms, one arrives at the endomorphism distinguishing number. Although endomorphisms are quite untractable, compared to automorphisms, many interesting results for finite and infinite structures immediately generalize from automorphisms to endomorphisms, and many new and interesting problems arise.
11:00-12:00 Lecturer: dr. Fabio Vlacci (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy)
Title: Introduction to basic properties of a new class of regular functions of (hypercomplex) quaternionic variable Abstract: The aim of this talk is to give a self-contained introduction to a new theory of regular functions over quaternions and, more in general, over a non commutative algebra. In particular, we’ll give a (historic) overview of different possible approaches to a definition of regularity
for quaternionic functions and focus our attention on the geometric/analytic properties related to the class of functions which are regular according to the recent definition given by Gentili & Struppa in 2007.
We’ll also present some applications and results which are in some
cases a generalization of the similar results in Complex Analysis,
in others are quite unexpected and promising for the study of new phenomena. Some related topics will be then considered
in order to show what kind of difficulties or open problems are still under investigation.