V ponedeljek, 19. marca 2012., bo ob 10:00 v seminarski sobi v Galebu, v okviru raziskovalnega matematičnega seminarja, predaval dr. Oliver Schaudt (Universität zu Köln, Germany).
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Title: The Price of Connectivity for Vertex Cover
Abstract: We study a graph parameter called the Price of Connectivity for Vertex Cover (PoC). It was recently introduced by Cardinal et al. and is defined as the ratio of the minimum size of a connected vertex cover and the minimum size of a vertex cover.
We prove some structural results for the PoC. These results concern PoC-critical, PoC-perfect and PoC-near-perfect graphs.
We prove some structural results for the PoC. These results concern PoC-critical, PoC-perfect and PoC-near-perfect graphs.
Joint work with E. Camby, J. Cardinal and S. Fiorini.