Raziskovalni matematični seminar

V ponedeljek, 27. februarja 2012., bo ob 10:00 v seminarski sobi v Galebu, v okviru raziskovalnega matematičnega seminarja, predavala dr.Klavdija Kutnar.

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Title: Cayley snarks
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the well-known conjecture that there are no snarks amongst Cayley graphs. I will present an innovative approach in solving this conjecture combining the theory  of Cayley maps and the existence of independent set of vertices whose complement induces a forest in arc-transitive graphs admitting a group of automorphisms acting regularly on the set of arcs with cyclic vertex stabilizer, together with some partial results obtained thus far.

This is a joint work with Ademir Hujdurovic and Dragan Marusic.