Raziskovalni matematični seminar

V ponedeljek, 6. junija 2011, bo ob 10. uri v seminarski sobi v Galebu, v okviru raziskovalnega matematičnega seminarja, predaval Samed Bajrić.

Vljudno vabljeni k udeležbi na predavanju!


Abstract: In this talk we present the details of linear cryptanalysis, one of the most significant attack applicable to symmetric-key block cipher. The  topic  is based on  the analysis of a simple,  yet  realistically  structured,  basic  Substitution-Permutation  Network  cipher. Understanding the attacks as they apply to this structure is useful, as the Rijndael cipher, recently  selected  for  the Advanced Encryption Standard  (AES),  has  been  derived  from the basic SPN architecture.