V ponedeljek, 30. maja 2011, bo ob 10. uri v seminarski sobi v Galebu, v okviru raziskovalnega matematičnega seminarja, predaval Vasilyev Alexander.
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Title: Communicability Graph and Community Structures in Complex Networks
Abstract: Estrada and Hatano proposed an algorithm for the detection of community structure in complex networks using the concept of network communicability.The communities are defined as the cliques of a “communicability graph”, which has the same set of nodes as the complex network and links determined by the communicability function. Then, the problem of finding the network communities is transformed to an all-clique problem of the communicability graph. In addition, we extend here the concept of the communicability to account for the strength of the interactions between the nodes by using the concept of inverse temperature of the network. We develop an algorithm to manage the different degrees of overlapping between the communities in a complex network. Finally, we amend this algorithm by eliminating the subjectivity of choosing degree of overlapping and including an additional check of the fitness of detected communities. We show that this amendment can detect some communities which remain undetected by the original Estrada and Hatano’s algorithm.