Obveščamo vas, da je Senat UP FAMNIT na današnji 4. redni seji sprejel Sklep o razpisu rednih volitev dekana UP FAMNIT. Priloge k sklepu so Rokovnik za izvedbo volilnih opravil ter obrazca za predlaganje kandidata in soglasje kandidata h kandidaturi.
Volitve bodo potekale v četrtek, 29. junija od 9. do 17. ure, predčasne volitve pa v četrtek, 22. junija od 9. do 17. ure.
Gradiva in informacije s podrobnejšimi podatki o izvedbi volitev so objavljene na spletni strani fakultete.
We would like to inform you that the Senate of UP FAMNIT, in today’s 4th regular session, adopted the Decision on the Call for the regular election of the Dean of UP FAMNIT.
An integral part of the Decision is the Schedule for the Implementation of Electoral Tasks, and two forms: the form for the nomination of a candidate and the form for the candidate’s consent to the nomination.
The election will be held on Thursday, 29 June, from 9 am to 5 pm. Advance voting (early election) will take place on Thursday, 22 June, from 9 am to 5 pm.
Additional information and all relevant materials on the election procedure are available on the Faculty website.