Rektorska konferenca – internacionalizacija visokega šolstva // Rector’s Conference – internationalization of higher education

Spoštovani študentje in študentke,

Rektorska konferenca RS skupaj s CMEPIUS organizira konferenco na temo internacionalizacije visokega šolstva, ki bo izvedena v angleškem jeziku. Namen konference je izmenjati mnenja, opraviti refleksijo, deliti dobre prakse in predstaviti priložnosti za razvoj in krepitev kompetenc ter dviga kakovosti in poučevanja v okviru internacionalizacije.

Prijava je možna tukaj.

Dear students,

The Rector’s Conference of the Republic of Slovenia, together with CMEPIUS, is organizing a conference on the topic of internationalization of higher education, which will be held in English. The aim of the conference is to exchange opinions, reflect, share good practices and present opportunities for the development and strengthening of competences and the improvement of quality and teaching in the context of internationalization.

Registration is possible here.