CILEC je del Univerze Saint-Etienne, ki se razprostira na pet kampusov in vsako leto sprejme in usposablja več kot 20.000 študentov, med njimi 3.000 tujih. Univerza pokriva različna področja kot so znanost, tehnologija, zdravje, humanistične in družbene vede, pravo, ekonomijo, upravljanje, umetnost, književnost in jezike.
Pod Univerzo spada center “le CILEC” (Centre International de Langue Et Civilisation / International Language and Civilization Center), ki je specializiran za poučevanje francoščine za tujce in je kategoriziran z Qualité FLE 3*, kar pomeni, da zagotavlja primerno kakovost sprejema, profesorjev, učenja, upravljanja in prostorov.
Izpitni center DELF DALF ponuja raznolike tečaje francoščine za različne Fakultete in Univerze. Poleg tega pa ponuja tudi raznolike študijske programe in krajše programe za mednarodne študente.
Tečaji glede na specializacijo študenta in študijski načrt:
- DUEF: Semester (240 ur, 20 ur na teden) letni program (480 ur), usposabljanje študentov za visokošolsko izobraževanje v Franciji, ki se prične na ravni B2. Primerno pri vstopu v Francoski visokošolski sistem. Priznavanje univerzitetne diplome DU od ravni A2 do C1. Več informacij: TUKAJ
- Pripravljalni tečaj za magisterij FLE: letno usposabljanje obsega 600 ur (480 ur Francoščine + 120 ur uvajanja v didaktiko Francoščine kot tujega jezika) v sodelovanju z Oddelkom FLE, ki študente z diplomo iz francoščine B2 pripravi na stopnjo C1. Didaktično uvajanje vsebuje omejeno število mest. Več informacij: TUKAJ
- Poletni tečaj: jezikovno in kulturno bivanje traja od 15 dni do enega meseca (od 26. junija do 21. julija 2023).Več informacij: TUKAJ
- Spletni tečaj francoščine: namenjen je popolnim začetnikom francoskega jezika, ki se bodo vključili v tečaj A2 DUEF. Za vključitev morajo študenti obvladati angleščino na ravni B1, kar jim omogoča sporazumevanje z učiteljem. Več informacij: TUKAJ
The CILEC is a part of Saint-Etienne University. Spread over 5 campuses, the university welcomes and trains more than 20,000 students each year, including 3,000 foreign students, in a wide range of professions in the fields of Science, Technology, Health, Human and social sciences, Law, Economics, Management, Arts, Literature and languages. University has a centre specialized in teaching French to foreigners: “le CILEC” (Centre International de Langue Et Civilisation / International Language and Civilization Center).
This centre has obtained the Label Qualité FLE 3*, which guarantees the quality of the reception, the teachers, the teaching, the management and the premises. It is also a DELF DALF examination centre and provides extensive French courses for the different Faculties of the University. In addition, it offers intensive degree courses and short programs for international students.
Courses for students, depending on their specialization and their study plan:
- DUEF: Semester (240 hours, 20 hours per week) or yearly (480 hours) training to prepare students for higher education in France, starting at level B2. Perfect for a linguistic stay in French or a preparation before entering French higher education. Validation of a DU (University Diploma) from level A2 to level C1.
For more information: Click here - The preparatory course for the Master FLE: Annual training of 600h (480h of French + 120h of initiation to the Didactics of French as a Foreign Language) in collaboration with the Department of FLE preparing students with a French degree and a B2 level to the C1 level and a didactic initiation for integration in Master FLE (limited number of places). For more information: Click here
- Summer courses: linguistic and cultural stays from 15 days to 1 month (June 26 to July 21, 2023).
For more information: Click here - Online French courses: This study program concerns total beginners in the French language, and it will allow them, after that, to integrate the A2 DUEF course at the CILEC. To integrate this study program, students are asked to have a B1 English level, allowing them to communicate with the teacher.
For more information: Click here