Tokrat, izjemoma v četrtek, 10. septembra 2020, bosta ob 10.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeni dve predavanji v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. september 2020
1. predavanje bo ob 10.00:
Nikola Marin is a MSc student of Computer Science at UP FAMNIT. He recently became interested in the business application industry and explores business application design and development.
NASLOV: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System for Subcontractors of Telekom Slovenije
Telekom Slovenije has many subcontractors supporting their infrastructure and installations. Those subcontractors are small and medium-size businesses who are using just email and a Microsoft Office package for their e-business. Because of that, they experience data loss, misunderstandings, human errors and non-optimal business. Based on previous research where business process analysis, ERP implementation technologies and methodologies were explored, this seminar aims to analyse business processes inside Telekom Slovenije subcontractor companies and to propose a conceptual model of ERP system that could fit and provide optimal business in the long run for such companies.
The seminar presentation will be part of the Research Seminar on the Computer Science Masters Program.
2. predavanje bo ob 10.30:
Sead Jahić is a teaching assistant at University of Primorska, Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.
After receiving High School diploma, he went to University of Tuzla (UNTZ), where in 2012 he graduated as Mathematician (Math Teacher).
His first working experience was teaching assistant at UNTZ, in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
The main topic of his research is Sentiment Analysis of languages, where the focus is on developing overall sentiment analysis for West Balkan languages from the same West Slavic group.
The idea is to use different Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques in sentiment analysis with those languages, and show huge connectivity between them.
NASLOV: Determining sentiment of tweets using first Bosnian lexicon and (AnA)-affirmative and non-affirmative words
The talk will present a simple model for sentiment tagging of Tweeter messages based on AnA (affirmative and non-affirmative) words and tagged sentiment dictionary (Kadunc-Šikonja dictionary).
Lexicon was used in combination with intensifiers, where intensifier (AnA word), that stand next to the word, produce more powerful (more positive or more negative) sentiment value of word – tweet at all.
This also presents our first step in creating the first Bosnian lexicon and proceed the same on Sentiment analysis of tweets written in Bosnian where the major topic will be tweeting about Bosnian National basketball player Džanan Musa.
Predavanji bosta potekali v angleškem jeziku prek spletnega orodja Zoom.
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