V ponedeljek, 17. januarja 2011, bo ob 16.00 uri v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Glagoljaška 8, Koper predavanje v okviru skupnega SEMINARJA ZA MATEMATIČNE IN RAČUNALNIŠKE ZNANOSTI Oddelka za matematiko in Oddelka za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT, Oddelka za matematiko in Oddelka za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP PINT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PEF ter Oddelkov za matematiko in teoretično računalništvo IMFM.
Prostor: FAMNIT 1 – RU1 ob 16.00
Predavatelja: Alessandro Budai, Davide Varesano (Emaze Networks)
Emaze Networks is the Italian Corporate Information Security leader, being a strategic partner of many large Italian Organizations such as Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Saipem, Gruppo Mediobanca, Pirelli, Prysmian and Allianz. Emaze offers information technology services and integrated solutions that are collectively known as Informed Security Management (ISM) that is the complete Enterprise-class information security framework; meant as the unitary compound of processes and infrastructures – Vulnerability Management, IT Risk Management and Security Compliance.
Implementing the ISM frameworks allows the Company not only to defend its digital assets eliminating every single criticality, but also to succeed in coordinating technological tools and managing processes, granting a full measurability even in the operating stage, constantly confronting with the benchmark and enterprise or international policies. Emaze, which counts on 70 qualified technicians, combines innovative technology with excellent expertise and know-how on the Information and Logical Security sector.
The Emaze offer includes advanced turnkey solutions in the following fields:
• Informed Security Management framework implementation, strictly focusing on projecting and realizing security Control Room;
• A wide range of Professional and Counseling services that allow managing information security issues, even as outsourcing;
• Information Security standards implementation and compliance verification
Following the presentation of Emaze Networks R&D Labs there will be a discussion on the possibilities of collaboration (especially through the postgraduate project seminar).
Naslov: Uvod v koncne obsege (red polinoma)
Predavatelj: 16.30-17.00 Maja Kovač
V prvi polovici študijskega leta 2010/11 bomo v okviru matematičnega dela Seminarja MARA obravnavali vsebino knjige R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter, Introduction to finite fields and their applications, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Na tokratnem predavanju bomo nadaljevali s prvim razdelkom 3.poglavja.
Ogledali si bomo še nekatere lastnosti reda polinoma.
Opomba: ob 16.00 je predvideno študentsko izpolnjevanje anket.