Seminar MARA

V ponedeljek, 22.2.2010, bosta ob 16.00 uri v veliki predavalnici (računalništvo) in ob 17.00 uri v predavalnici Pošta Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Glagoljaška 8, Koper predavanji v okviru skupnega SEMINARJA ZA MATEMATIČNE IN RAČUNALNIŠKE ZNANOSTI Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP FAMNIT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PINT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PEF ter Oddelkov za matematiko in teoretično računalništvo IMFM.

Predavalnica VP ob 16.00 uri

TITLE: modeFRONTIER Framework for Multi-Disciplinary Multi-Objective Design Optimization

This presentation will highlight the main features of the ESTECO’s flagship product modeFRONTIER, a process integration (PI) and design optimization software used in multi-disciplinary design activities (MDO).  The modeFRONTIER framework brings under a common IT environment all components necessary for the integration of the CAD and CAE software commonly used in the R&D departments all over the world.

The application range is quite wide and covers automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, civil engineer, logistics, biomedical and electronic sectors. More than 1000 licensed users adopted modeFRONTIER world-wide like BMW, Ferrari, Toyota, Fiat, Embraer, Petrobras, Motorola, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Kawasumi Laboratories, Cannon, Bombardier.

Design of Experiments, Multi-Objective Design Optimization and Data Mining, as used for the daily operations by the most innovative  CAD/CAE departments, will be briefly highlighted. A short demo of a multi-objective optimization task will also be presented, stressing possible areas of cooperation between ESTECO and University of Primorska.


Carlos Kavka – Research and Development Group – ESTECO SRL

Enrico Rigoni, Alessandro Turco – Numerical Methods Group – ESTECO SRL

Carlos Kavka works in the Research and Development Group of ESTECO SRL. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Paris XI (France). He is director of workshops at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (Trieste), has worked at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Trieste) and collaborated in research projects at CERN (Geneve).

Enrico Rigoni is the manager of the Numerical Methods Group at ESTECO SRL (Trieste). He completed his M.S. degree at University of Trieste in 2002. His current research interests focus on the field of multi-objective optimization and include designs of experiments and response surfaces methods.

Alessandro Turco is a researcher in Applied Mathematics at ESTECO SRL (Trieste). He completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics at SISSA, Trieste in 2008. His current research interest focus on the field of multi-objective optimization and include designs of experiments and response surfaces methods.

Predavalnica Pošta ob 17.00 uri

Predavatelj: Saša Benedik

Naslov: Uvod v grupne kolobarje

V študijskem letu 2009/10 bomo v okviru matematičnega dela Seminarja MARA obravnavali vsebino knjige C.P. Milies, S.K. Sehgal, An introduction to group rings, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2002.
Na tokratnem predavanju bomo obravnavli poglavje 2.4 Finiteness Conditions.
