V sredo, 9.9.2009, bo ob 14. uri v mali predavalnici Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Glagoljaška 8, Koper predavanje v okviru skupnega SEMINARJA ZA MATEMATICNE IN RAČUNALNIŠKE ZNANOSTI Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP FAMNIT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PINT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PEF ter Oddelkov za matematiko in teoretično računalništvo IMFM.
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Predavatelj: Bhalchandra Thatte (University of Oxford)
Title: Reconstructing Population Pedigrees
Abstract: A pedigree is a finite directed acyclic graph in which each vertex has in-degree 0 or 2. Pedigrees arise naturally in population genetics since a pedigree represents ancestral relationships in a population. I will discuss the problem of reconstructing a pedigree from the collection of its sub-pedigrees, where a sub-pedigree is simply a restriction of the pedigree to a subset of the set of sink vertices and their ancestors. This problem seems to have nice connections with the classical reconstruction problems of Ulam and Harary, and in particular a reconstruction result of Lovász and surrounding techniques. I will first present a sketch of a family of pedigrees that cannot be constructed from their sub-pedigrees. I will then go on to discuss a linear algebraic approach to characterising non-reconstructible pedigrees.