Sidra ASLAM: Decentralized Data Privacy and Security for the Web of Things

V ponedeljek, 6. decembra 2021, bo ob 16.00 uri prek spletnih orodij na daljavo izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. december 2021 ob 16.00 na daljavo


Sidra Aslam received her Master’s degree in computer science from the COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan in January 2017. During this period, she worked on research projects and published research papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. In 2015, she received the best research paper award at the National Software Engineering Conference (NSEC), IEEE in Pakistan. She is currently an Assistant Researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, a teaching assistant and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Slovenia. Her current research interests include information security and privacy, blockchain, and semantic Web technologies.

NASLOV: Decentralized Data Privacy and Security for the Web of Things


Cloud computing relies on Web protocols to allow transparent access to computing resources, anywhere and anytime. However, the cloud runs as a centralized infrastructure that acts as a Trusted Third Party (TTP), which leads to security and privacy limitations. Over the past few years, blockchain technology has gained popularity due to its decentralized design, which overcomes some of these limitations. However, when applications deal with privacy-sensitive data, the management of privacy, access control, and data modification remains an open issue.
In this seminar, we present our research for a RESTful decentralized storage framework that provides data privacy and mutability. We explore how to combine blockchain with distributed hash table, role-based access control, ring signature, and multiple encryption mechanisms. Within a single framework, we will design algorithms and a metadata structure stored on the blockchain, that offer a strong decoupling between data access and storage, while providing the opportunity to address the security and privacy issues we are facing, so that data owners keep control of their data. Each peer in our framework will offer RESTful APIs to operate, thus ensuring interoperability over the Web. In this seminar, we will explore how semantic-based access control can manage complex permissions for data access by modeling complex relationships between users. We will discuss the relevance of a HATEOAS client to navigate through data using RESTful APIs.


Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v Zoom “klepetalnici” na naslovu:
