SIMFONIC VOICES – Mednarodni koncertni cikel vokalne in instrumentalne glasbe
0b 20. obletnici Akademskega pevskega zbora Univerze na Primorskem
Akademski pevski zbor Univerze na Primorskem organizira že 15. sezono mednarodni koncertni cikel vokalne in instrumentalne glasbe ”Simfonic voices” v Kopru. Na prvem koncertu cikla se bo v nedeljo, 4. februarja 2024 ob 19. uri v dvorani sv. Frančiška Asiškega v Kopru, predstavil Simfonični orkester Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana (KGBL). Orkester sodi med najvidnejše mladinske orkestre v Sloveniji. Z velikimi uspehi so se v preteklosti predstavili na domačih in tujih odrih (Dresden, München, Gradec, Budimpešta, Beograd, Sarajevo in Zenica). Vodi ga eden najuspešnejših dirigentov mlade generacije Slaven Kulenović.
SYMPHONIC VOICES – International concert cycle of vocal and instrumental music
Following the 20th anniversary of the Academic Choir of the University of Primorska
The academic choir of the University of Primorska organizes the 15th season of the international concert cycle of vocal and instrumental music “Symphonic Voices” in Koper. The first concert of the series will be held on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 7 p.m. in the hall of St. Francis of Assisi in Koper, presented by the Symphony Orchestra of the Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory (KGBL). The orchestra is one of the most prominent youth orchestras in Slovenia. In the past, they performed with great success on domestic and foreign stages (Dresden, Munich, Graz, Budapest, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zenica). It is led by one of the most successful conductors of the young generation, Slaven Kulenović.