Skupni magistrski program Erasmus Mundus s področja biomedicinskega inženiringa na Univerzi v Kragujevcu // Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Kragujevac

Z začetkom šolskega leta 2023/2024 Univerza v Kragujevcu ponuja skupni magistrski program Erasmus Mundus s področja biomedicinskega inženiringa (EMMBIOME).

  • Študenti bodo prvih šest mesecev preživeli na Univerzi v Kragujevcu, začenši septembra 2024. Nato se bodo preselili na Univerzo v Patrasu v Grčiji za naslednjih šest mesecev in zaključili študij v zadnjih šestih mesecih na Univerzi za medicino in farmacijo “Grigore T. Popa” v Iași, Romunija. Med zadnjimi šestimi meseci bodo študenti razdeljeni v skupine, kjer bodo delali na svojih zaključnih nalogah v eni od treh držav.
  • Po uspešnem zaključku programa in zagovoru nalog bodo študentje prejeli diplome vseh treh institucij.

Vsako leto je na voljo 20 štipendij za študente z najboljšimi prijavami in uspehom med intervjuji. Štipendije znašajo 1400 € mesečno za celotno dvoletno obdobje študija.

  • Prijave so odprte do 9. februarja 2024.

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Commencing with the academic year 2023/2024, the University of Kragujevac proudly introduces its exclusive Erasmus Mundus joint master program in Biomedical Engineering (EMMBIOME).

  • Students are engaged to spend the initial six months at the University of Kragujevac, starting in September 2024. Subsequently, they will relocate to the University of Patras in Greece for the following six months, concluding their studies with the last half-year at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” in Iași, Romania. During the final six months, students will be organized into groups, working on their theses in one of the three countries.
  • Upon successful completion of the program and thesis defense, students will be awarded diplomas from all three institutions.

Each year, 20 scholarships are available for students with the most outstanding applications and performance during interviews. The scholarships amount to €1400 per month for the entire two-year study period.

  • Applications remain open until February 9th, 2024.

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