Sprememba postopka preverjanja podobnosti vsebin pri zaključnih delih / Change of process for Similarity Check Report for final works

Obveščamo vas, da je potrebno pri oddaji zaključnega dela (zaključna naloga, magistrsko delo), zraven Poročila o preverjanju podobnosti oddati tudi podpisano izjavo s strani mentorja, s katero potrjuje, da je opravil postopek preverjanja avtorstva v okviru pregleda podobnosti vsebine zaključnega dela.

V kolikor mentor ne more oziroma obvesti študenta, da ne bo opravljal preverjanja podobnosti je postopek sledeč:

  1. mentor obvesti študenta, da je zaključna naloga ustrezna in jo lahko posreduje v preverjanje podobnosti vsebin;
  2. študent nalogo posreduje na e-naslov zakljucna.dela@famnit.upr.si;
  3. strokovna sodelavka vnese e-obliko zaključnega dela v DPV ter tvori poročilo, ki ga nato posreduje mentorju in v vednost študentu;
  4. mentor nato opravi pregled poročila v skladu s pravilniki in navodili za zaključek študija na UP FAMNIT.

Please note that when submitting your final work (Diploma thesis, Master’s thesis), you must also submit a signed statement from your mentor, along with the Similarity Check Report, confirming that he/she has completed the authorship checking process as part of the similarity check of the content of the final work.

If the tutor is unable to, or informs the student that he/she will not complete the similarity check, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The mentor confirms that the thesis is suitable for submission and can be checked for content similarity.
  2. The student sends the thesis to zakljucna.dela@famnit.upr.si.
  3. A UP FAMNIT administrative assistant enters the electronic format of the thesis into the DPV and generates a report. The report is then sent to both the mentor and the student.
  4. The mentor reviews the report in accordance with the regulations and instructions for completing studies at UP FAMNIT