Štipendije iz štipendijskega sklada UP v študijskem letu 22/23 // Scholarships from the UP scholarship fund for the academic year 22/23

Štipendijski sklad Univerze na Primorskem temelji na partnerstvu med Univerzo na Primorskem (v nadaljevanju UP), občinami in gospodarstvom. Namenjen je nagrajevanju in spodbujanju najboljših študentov UP, navezovanju stikov študentov z delodajalci že v času študija in zagotavljanju večjih možnosti za zaposlitev študentov takoj, ko zaključijo študij. Cilj sklada je obenem spodbuda vseh študentov UP k čim boljšim študijskim uspehom.

Na javni poziv se lahko prijavijo:

  • kandidati za vpis v študijske programe 1., 2. ali 3. stopnje UP in
  • študenti, ki bodo v študijskem letu 2022/2023 vpisani v študijske programe 1., 2. ali 3. stopnje UP,

Višina štipendije za študijsko leto 2022/2023 znaša od 2.000,00 EUR do 4.800,00 EUR.

Rok za oddajo: 15. september 2022. E-vloga je oddana pravočasno, če je oddana od 22. februarja 2022 do vključno 15. septembra 2022.

Na spletni strani Kariernega centra Univerze na Primorskem (KC UP), ki je skrbnik Štipendijskega sklada UP, boste našli vse podrobnosti in besedilo razpisa: Štipendijski sklad UP 2022/2023 – JAVNI POZIV!

The Scholarship Fund of the University of Primorska is based on a partnership between the University of Primorska, municipalities, and the private sector. Its aim is to reward and encourage the best students of UP, offer their knowledge to potential employers during the course of their study process, and provide opportunities for employment to these students as soon as they finish their studies. The objective of the Fund is at the same time to support all UP students in achieving the best possible results in their studies.

With this Public Call, the University of Primorska invites all:

  • candidates for enrolment in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cycle study programmes of UP and
  • students who, in the academic year of 2022/2023, will be enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cycle study programmes of UP,

The amount of the scholarship for the academic year 2022/2023 is from 2.000,00 EUR to 4.800,00 EUR.

Application deadline: September 15th, 2022.The application is submitted in due time if it is submitted between February 22th, 2022 to September 15th, 2022.

On the website of the Career Center of the University of Primorska (KC UP), which is the administrator of the UP Scholarship Fund, you will find all details and the public call: UP Scholarship Fund 2022/2023 – PUBLIC CALL!