Life Science Zurich Graduate School ponuja več kot 100 financiranih doktorskih mest. S približno 500 raziskovalnimi skupinami in več kot 1600 doktorji znanosti, je Life Science Zurich Graduate School je ena največjih podiplomskih šol v Evropi. Ima 17 visoko konkurenčnih doktorskih programov, ki jih skupaj vodita ETH Zürich in Univerza v Zürichu.
Vsa doktorska mesta so polno financirana, študentom pa nudijo izzivov polno okolje za usposabljanje, jasen sistem mentorstva ter priložnost za izvajanje vrhunskih raziskav. Ne samo, da Zürich velja za renomirano univerziteteno mesto, ampak uživa tudi odličen sloves kot kozmopolitansko mesto visokega življenjskega standarda..
K prijavi vabijo vse kandidate z magisterijem iz naravoslovnih oziroma biolških ved ter dobrim znanjem angleščine.
Rok prijave: 1. november 2023 in 1. maj 2024.
Več informacij o postopku prijave ter različnih možnostih doktorskih študijev je dostopnih tu.
Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, Life Science Zurich Graduate School is one of the largest graduate schools in Europe. It has 17 highly competitive PhD programs and is jointly run by the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich.
Our PhD positions are generously funded, and we provide the students with a challenging training environment, a clear mentoring system and the opportunity to perform leading-edge research. Zurich offers not only a highly recognized research area, but also enjoys an excellent reputation as being one of the international cities with the world’s best standard of living.
With a MSc Degree in Life Sciences, an excellent track record and good English skills candidates are welcome to apply to one of our PhD programs!
Interested? Complete Application online until November 1, 2023 or May 1, 2024/span>.
Further information regarding application procedure and different PhD programs are availabile here.