Blue World Institute Internship or Eco-Volunteering

Blue World Institute je nevladna organizacija, katere cilj je raziskati in zaščititi velike morske vretenčarje v Jadranskem morju. Inštitut vas vabi k sodelovanju na otok Lošinj, kjer boste raziskovalcem v pomoč na terenu in obdelovanju pridobljenih podatkov. Sodelovanje je možno obliki prakse ali prostovoljstva.

Prostovoljstvo “Eco Volunteering”


  • starost nad 18 let,
  • vzdržljivost v različnih vremenskih razmerah,
  • znanje plavanja,
  • znanje angleškega jezika.

Več si lahko ogledate tukaj.

Praksa “Internship”


  • študij (morske) biologije, ekologije ali podobnega področja,
  • starost nad 18 let,
  • vzdržljivost v različnih vremenskih razmerah,
  • znanje plavanja,
  • znanje angleškega jezika.

Več si lahko ogledate tukaj.


Blue World Institute is an independent non-profit organisation set up with the intention to carry out scientific research and conservation of the marine environment as well as educational activities, with an emphasis on the Adriatic Sea and the wider Mediterranean basin. The institute invites you to join the programme, to help in running the field research including collecting scientific data and learning how to manage and analyse it.

“Eco Volunteering”


  • over 18 years old;
  • swimming skills;
  • ability to tolerate hot or cold weather and long periods on the boat under the
  • knowledge of English language.

You can read more here.



  • currently studying (marine) biology, ecology or similar;
  • over 18 years old;
  • swimming skills;
  • ability to tolerate hot or cold weather and long periods on the boat under the
  • knowledge of English language.

You can read more here.

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