Objavljen je razpis za pomoč študentom zaradi posledic ukrepov proti širjenju COVID-19 // Call for financial help to students due to the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak

Študentska organizacija Slovenije (ŠOS) in organizacijske oblike ŠOS v sodelovanju s Fundacijo Študentski tolar objavljajo poziv za dodelitev nepovratne denarne pomoči ob izbruhu koronavirusa.

Namen poziva je reševanje trenutne socialne stiske študentov, ki je nastala kot posledica izbruha koronavirusa in onemogočenega opravljanja začasnega in občasnega dela dijakov in študentov (študentskega dela).

Na razpis se lahko prijavijo vsi, ki:

  • status študenta na visokošolskem zavodu, ki je vpisan v eVŠ evidenci visokošolskih zavodov v Republiki Sloveniji ali
  • status študenta na javno priznanem visokošolskem zavodu v tujini in so hkrati državljani Republike Slovenije.

Prosici morajo izpolnjevati še dodatne pogoje navedene v razpisu.

Več o razpisu lahko preberete tukaj.


The Student Organization of Slovenia (ŠOS) and the organizational forms of ŠOS, in cooperation with the Student Tolar Foundation, announce a call for grants in the event of a coronavirus outbreak.

The purpose of the call is to address the current social distress of students due to the outbreak of coronavirus and preventing the temporary and occasional work of students (student work).

You can apply if you have:

  • the status of a student at a higher education institution who is enrolled in the eVŠ register of higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, or
  • status of a student at a publicly recognized higher education institution abroad and at the same time are citizens of the Republic of Slovenia.

Applicants must also fulfill the additional conditions set out in call.

You can read more about the call here.

While all the documents are in Slovenian we can help you. Write us an e-mail.

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