PODALJŠAN rok za oddajo prijav za tutorje študente v 2019/20

Rok za oddajo prijav za tutorje študente v študijskem letu 2019/2020 JE PODALJŠAN!

Rok za oddajo prijave z ustreznimi prilogami je 15. 9. 2019.

Več informacij na spletni strani fakultete: http://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/studenti/tutorstvo


Student tutoring 2019/20 – NEW DEADLINE

Students interested in becoming tutors are invited to apply by filling in the form and send it no later than 15 September 2019.

Tutors help younger students, specially freshmen, to settle in the new country, town and university. They help other students to solve everyday life problems and enjoy the free time with new colleagues.

More information: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/cooperation/tutors.

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