Študentje UP FAMNIT organizirajo študentsko konferenco // UP FAMNIT students organize a student conference

Z veseljem naznanjamo, da so letos študentje UP FAMNIT, Društva varstvenih biologov – Biodiva in Društva študentov biopsihologije, združili moči, začeli sodelovati in naznanili prvo izvedbo Biološko-psihološke študentske konference.

Konferenca bo potekala 9. in 10. oktobra 2021, v Kopru (v prostorih UP Famnit). Njene vsebine bodo ločene na biološki ter psihološki del, prispevki pa bodo razdeljeni na dela dodiplomske in podiplomske stopnje študija (glede na stopnjo študija tekom katerega je bilo delo pripravljeno).

Z udeležbo na konferenci bodo študenti dobili možnost, da razširijo svoje kompetence tako, da predstavijo svoja dela v obliki predstavitve ali posterja. Prispevki bodo objavljeni v zborniku konference, s čimer bodo udeleženci pridobili tudi eno izmed prvih referenc v COBISSU. Zaradi želje po neomejenem širjenju znanja, bodo na konferenci omogočene tudi predstavitve nalog v angleškem jeziku. 

Zaradi nepredvidljive situacije bodo konferenco najverjetneje izvedli v hibridni obliki – kot so bila organizirana predavanja v oktobru.

Za uspešno izvedbo konference v prvi vrsti seveda potrebujejo aktivne udeležence obeh področij, ki bi predstavljali svoja dela, zato ste prav lepo vabljeni, da se prijavite!

Kdaj: 9. in 10. oktober 2021

Kje: prostori UP FAMNIT, Koper + splet

Rok za prijave in oddajo povzetkov: 17. maj – 18. junij 2021

Za več informacij si oglejte njihovo spletno stran.


We are happy to announce that this year the students of UP FAMNIT (Društvo varstvenih biologov – Biodiva and Društvo študentov biopsihologije) joined forces, began to cooperate and announced the first Biological-Psychological Student Conference.

The conference will take place in Koper (at the UP Famnit premises), on October 9th and 10th 2021. It will be divided into biological and psychological module, and the presentations will be divided into undergraduate and postgraduate work (according to the level of study programme during which the work was prepared).

By attending the conference, students will be given the opportunity to expand their competencies by presenting their work in the form of a presentation or poster. All abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, which will give participants one of the first references in COBISS. Due to the desire to spread knowledge, presentations in English will also be possible.

Due to the unpredictable situation, the conference will most likely be held in a hybrid form – as the lectures were organized in October.

For the successful organization of the conference, of course, they need active participants from both fields, who would present their work, so you are very welcome to apply!

When: October 9th and 10th 2021

Where: UP Famnit premises, Koper + online

Deadline for applications and abstract submission: 17 May – 18 June 2021

See their website for more information.

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