Swiss Government Exellence Scholarship for Foreign Students at Swiss Higher Education Institutions

The Embassy of Switzerland presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, and has the honour to inform it of the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship offer for the Academic year 2020-2021.

The prospective candidates can apply for:

– Fine Arts Scholarships,

– PhD Scholarships,

– Postdoctoral Scholarships,

– Research Scholarships.

Opening of the call: 2. 9. 2019

Submission deadline: 2. 12. 2019

The precise information about the different types of scholarships and the admission specification is available online on the site of the Federal Commission for Scholarships for foreign students FCS:

The Embassy of Switzerland will provide the application documents as well as all the necessary information. Interested candidates should therefore contact the Embassy at the following email address:

The application package will be sent by e-mail only.



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