Trivia večer Študentskega sveta UP FAMNIT // UP FAMNIT Student Council organizes Trivia night

Lepo pozdravljeni in vabljeni na Trivia večer študentskega sveta UP FAMNIT.

Dogodek se bo odvijal na Zoom-u 8. aprila, ob 19.00.

Prijave za ekipe od 3-5 igralcev zbiramo do 6. aprila na tej povezavi. Več informacij o samem poteku boste dobili na mail nekaj dni pred dogodkom.

Vaš Študentski svet UP FAMNIT



we are happy to invite you to our Trivia night event.

It will occur via Zoom on the 8th of April, at 7PM.

You should apply in groups from 3-5 until the 6th of April on this link. More details on the course of the event will be given via mail.

Your UP FAMNIT Student Council

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