Univerzitetni e-naslovi študentov UP / University e-mail addresses of UP students

Obveščamo vas, da bo vsem študentom Univerze na Primorskem v ŠIS-u dodeljen univerzitetni študentski e-naslov.

Vsi študenti bodo imeli naslov vpisna@student.upr.si (vpisna=vpisna številka). Študenti pa so ga dolžni uporabljati za vso komunikacijo s fakulteto  (z Referatom za študente, asistenti in profesorji ter ostalimi zaposleni fakulteti).

Dolžnost študentov je, da redno preverjajo univerzitetni študentski naslov, saj bodo na ta naslov prejemali vsa sporočila, ki so vezana na študij in obštudijske dejavnosti.

Pod vsakim elektronskim sporočilom so se študenti dolžni podpisati z imenom in priimkom.

V primeru, da študent izgubi status, ne more več dostopati do študentskega e-naslova in se za komunikacijo uporablja prvotni e-naslov, ki ga je študent navedel ob vpisu.

Elektronsko pošto študentom nudimo z brezplačno uporabo paketa Office 365, ki vključuje aplikacijo Outlook za upravljanje elektronske pošte. Možen je tudi dostop do e-računa preko spletne strani UP FAMNIT.

V primeru dodatnih vprašanj ali težav se lahko obrnete na našo IKT službo: podpora@famnit.upr.si

Vse informacije o informacijskih storitvah za študente lahko najdete na spodnji povezavi:

Lep pozdrav,


We would like to inform you that all students of the University of Primorska in SIS will be assigned a university student e-mail address.

All students will have the address enrollment@student.upr.si (enrollment = enrollment number). Students are obliged to use it for all communication with the faculty (with the Student Services, Assistants and Professors and other faculty employees).

It is the duty of students to regularly check the university student e-mail address, as they will receive all messages related to study and extracurricular activities to this address.

Under each e-mail, students are required to sign with their first and last name.

In the event that a student loses his / her status, he / she can no longer access the student’s e-mail address and the initial e-mail address provided by the student upon enrollment is used for communication.

We offer e-mail to students using the free Office 365 package, which includes Outlook for managing e-mail. It is also possible to access the e-invoice via the UP FAMNIT website.

In case of additional questions or problems, you can contact our IT service: podpora@famnit.upr.si

All information about student information services can be found at the link below:

Kind regards,
Student Services UP FAMNIT

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