Vabljeni na webinar Mladi upi 2020

Institut “Jožef Stefan” vabi k udeležbi na webinarju Mladi upi 2020, o zaščiti izumov in trženju le teh.

Na webinarju, 13. novembra 2020 s pričetkom ob 13. uri, bodo preko predavanj in praktičnega dela predstavili osnove in pravila ustvarjanja, izkoriščanja in zaščite intelektualne lastnine.

Več o dogodku in programu si lahko preberete tukaj.

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The “Jožef Stefan” Institute invites you to participate in the Young Hopes 2020 webinar on the protection of inventions and their marketing.

At the webinar, on November 13, 2020, starting at 1 pm, they will present to the young researchers the possibilities for protection and exploitation of intellectual property, the procedure for the acquisition of IP, the path from ideas to companies, while, based on practical cases, young researchers get familiar also with how to present the ideas to potential investors and try themselves in this art.

Registration is free, but mandatory at

Program / Programme:

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