Študentsko delo v finačno-računovodski službi InnoRenew CoE / Student work in the financiral accounting department at InnoRenew CoE

Na InnoRenew CoE potrebujejo študentsko pomoč v finančno-računovodski službi.

Vse zainteresirane študente vabimo, da se čim prej, najkasneje pa do ponedeljka, 21. 11. 2022 prijavijo za delo na e-naslov: coe@innorenew.eu

Bruto urna postavka je 7,00 EUR.

Vabljeni k prijavi.

We inform all students the InnoRenew CoE is looking for help in the financial accounting department.

We invite interested student to apply as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, 21 November 2022 at the e-mail address: coe@innorenew.eu

The payment: 7,00 EUR / h gross.