Študentsko tekmovanje v razvoju iger / Game Development Competition for Students

Študentska nagrada za razvoj iger je popolnoma nova kategorija za GDWC, namenjena posebej študentom in odprta za študente iz vseh področij.

Natečaj ponuja prepoznavnost v svetovni skupnosti razvijalcev iger in priznanje strokovnjakov iz industrije. Pet najboljših ekip v nagradi študentskih iger bo nagrajenih, zmagovalna ekipa pa bo pod okriljem veterana industrije iger, Jean Leggetta, dobila priložnost kariernega usposabljanja. Udeležba je popolnoma brezplačna in bo potekala preko spleta.

Rok za prijavo je 31. december, 2021.


The Student Game Award is a brand new category for the GDWC aimed specifically for students, and open to students of all fields, as long as they have a game to show us.

The competition offers visibility in a global game developer community and recognition from industry professionals. Five best teams in the Student Game Award will be rewarded, and the winning team will receive career coaching from game industry veteran Jean Leggett. Participation is entirely free and online, so no travel is required.

Application deadline is 31 December 2021.