Študijska praksa na Generalnem konzulatu Republike Slovenije v Münchnu // Traineeship at the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Munich

Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije ponuja možnost opravljanja  Erasmus+ študijske prakse študentom slovenskih univerz. Praksa, ki bo trajala čez celo leto, je primerna za vse, predvsem pa za študente absolvente oz. koristnike podiplomske mobilnosti, saj je min. obdobje prakse 3 mesece.

V okviru prakse bodo študentje pridobili delovne izkušnje predvsem na področju gospodarske, znanstvene in javne diplomacije: stiki s slovenskimi in nemškimi državnimi organi in institucijami; priprava zapisov in udeležba na dogodkih ekonomskega, znanstvenega in kulturnega področja; samostojna organizacija dogodkov, prireditev, poslovnih delegacij pod mentorstvom generalne konzulke oz. namestnika, priprava strategije slovensko bavarskega sodelovanja zagonskih podjetij, podpora pri izvedbi obiskov visokih predstavnikov Republike Slovenije na Bavarskem in Baden-Württembergu ter druge aktivnosti po navodilu mentorice/ja.

Pogoji za opravljanje prakse na konzulatu so:

  • možnost pridobitve Erasmus+ ali druge štipendije za študentsko prakso (praksa je neplačana),
  • opravljeno varnostno preverjanje pred nastopom prakse (traja najmanj mesec dni),
  • znanje nemškega jezika (vsaj B1 ali višje),
  • znanje drugih tujih jezikov je prednost,
  • obdobje opravljanja prakse je 3-5 mesecev (predvideni termini: začetek septembra 2023 oziroma po dogovoru in meseci v letu 2024).

Prijava mora vsebovati:

  • kratko motivacijsko pismo v slovenščini ali nemščini,
  • kratek življenjepis v slovenščini ali nemščini,
  • preferenčno navedbo obdobja opravljanja študijske prakse (min. 3 mesci).

Prvi izbor bomo opravili s prijavami dospelimi do 01. 08. 2023. V primeru izbora bo kandidat/ka kot pogoj za začetek prakse moral/a opraviti varnostno preverjanje.

Prijave z naslovom “Prijava na študijsko prakso” zbirajo na naslovu: sloconsulate.munich@gov.si. Na tem naslovu je možno pridobiti tudi dodatne informacije.


The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia offers students of Slovenian universities the opportunity to do an Erasmus+ internship. The internship is especially suitable for graduate students or beneficiaries of postgraduate mobility, as the min. internship period 3 months.

As part of the internship, students will gain work experience mainly in the field of economic, scientific and public diplomacy: contacts with Slovenian and German state authorities and institutions; preparation of records and participation in economic, scientific and cultural events; independent organization of events, events, business delegations under the mentorship of the consul general or deputy, preparation of the strategy of Slovenian-Bavarian cooperation of start-up companies, support in carrying out visits of high representatives of the Republic of Slovenia to Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and other activities as instructed by the mentor.

The conditions for practicing at the consulate are:

  • the possibility of obtaining an Erasmus+ or other scholarship for a student internship (the internship is unpaid),
  • completed security check before starting the internship (lasts at least one month),
  • knowledge of the German language (at least B1 or higher) ,
  • knowledge of other foreign languages ​​is an advantage,
  • the internship period is 3-5 months (anticipated dates: beginning of September 2023 or by agreement and months in 2024).

The application must contain:

  • a short letter of motivation in Slovenian or German,
  • a short CV in Slovenian or German,
  • preferential indication of the period of the traineeship (min. 3 months).

The first selection will be made with applications sent by August 1, 2023. If selected, the candidate will have to pass a security check as a condition for starting the internship.

Applications with the title “Application for study practice” are collected at the address: sloconsulate.munich@gov.si. Additional information can also be obtained at this address.