Vabljeni, da se pridružite intenzivnemu jezikovnemu tečaju estonščine, ki ga organizira Estonska akademija umetnosti (EKA). Tečaj bo potekal od 14. do 30. avgusta v Talinu v Estoniji – stavba EKA.
Skozi tečaj boste prejeli osnovno znanje estonščine, kjer bo poskrbljeno tudi za zanimive dejavnosti, praktične vaje in poglobljene tehnike, ki jih bodo izvajali njihovi izkušeni profesorji.
Tečajniki vas bodo postoma seznanili z osnovami jezika, kar bo ob koncu zadostovalo k osnovnemu sporazumevanje v številnih življenjskih okoliščinah. Zaradi 4 urne izvedbe v času delovnika, vam bo tako ostalo veliko časa za druženje in raziskovanje mesta Talin.
Prijave zbirajo TUKAJ.
Rok prijave je 16. junij 2023.
Udeležba na tečaju je zaradi zavezništva z mrežo Transform4Europe brezplačna, udeleženec si tako krije le stroške nastanitve in prehrane. Število mest je omejeno zato se v primeru več prijavljenih, izbor opravlja na podlagi različnih izkušenj udeležencev.
Kontakt: / +372 626 7388
You are invited to join the intensive Estonian Language Course organised by the fellow member Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). The course is going to take place from August 14-30 at the EKA building in Tallinn, Estonia.
The aim of the course is to teach the basics of the Estonian language through engaging activities, practical exercises, and immersive techniques under guidance of their experienced instructors. They will take you step by step through the fundamentals of the language, enabling you to communicate quite effectively in real-life situations after finishing the course.
As the lessons are being held on weekdays for 4 hours per day, you will have plenty of time to socialise with fellow participants after hours and delve into the vibrant city of Tallinn.
Please sign up HERE. The deadline is June 16, 2023.
Thanks to the support of the Transform4Europe Alliance, the attendance at the course is free of charge for participants. However, all costs related to accommodation and food must be covered by each person individually.
Please be noted there are a limited number of seats available and therefore we can not guarantee that everyone will be selected. If we receive more applications than there are places, then the selection will be made based on participants’ various backgrounds (countries, specialties, sex etc) and their short motivation statements.
Contact: / +372 626 7388