Šlezijska univerza v Katovicah vabi študente vseh partnerskih univerz zavezništva T4EU, da se od 21. do 25. 10. 2024 udeležijo Tedna T4EU v Katovicah na Poljskem. Tema dogodka bo diplomacija evropskih univerz.

Vsak študent se lahko udeleži enega predmeta, ki traja ves teden. Vsi predmeti bodo potekali v angleščini. V prijavi glede na svoje želje po vrstnem redu razvrstite tri predmete, ki bi se jih želeli udeležiti. Izbirate lahko med sedmimi predmeti:

  1. English Communication Skills for STEM
  2. Negotiation Ninja: Skills for Business and Personal Triumphs
  3. Who, where, what, why, why not: understanding cultures in an incomprehensible world
  4. Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Students with Disabilities
  5. Gender Equality in Society. Legal Aspects
  6. Challenges and Choices of the Anthropocene Epoch
  7. Fundamentals of cybersecurity – transdisciplinary approach

Vsak predmet bo potekal tako v živo kot po spletu. V živo bo izveden med tednom T4EU, spletni del pa bo potekal pred tem tednom ali po njem. Natančnejše informacije bodo poslali izvajalci predmetov po zaključenem izbirnem postopku.

Predmet boste uspešno opravili s preizkusom znanja in od Šlezijske univerze prejeli 3 ECTS.


Na razpis se lahko prijavijo študenti UP, ki:

  1. imajo status rednega ali izrednega študenta na dodiplomskih ali podiplomskih študijskih programih UP in
  2. ki v času dosedanjega študija na isti stopnji študija, v okviru katerega se udeležijo zadevne mobilnosti, še niso izkoristili 12 mesecev izmenjave v okviru programa Erasmus+.

Prijavo oddajte prek spletnega obrazca.

Rok za prijavo je 4. september 2024.


Prejete prijave bo ocenila imenovana komisija za izbor študentov UP. Če bo število prijav presegalo število razpoložljivih mest, bo komisija ocenila razloge za udeležbo na mobilnosti:

  • zakaj ste se odločili za obiskovanje študijskega predmeta v okviru Tedna T4EU,
  • kako bo to vplivalo na vaš akademski, poklicni in osebni razvoj,
  • kaj pričakujete od udeležbe na mobilnosti.

Kandidati bodo o izidu izbora obveščeni po e-pošti.


Izbrani študenti bodo upravičeni do:

  1. osnovnih nepovratnih sredstev Erasmus+: 79 € na dan (5 dni mobilnosti in 2 dni poti),
  2. dodatnih sredstev za študente z manj priložnostmi v višini 100 €,
  3. dodatnih sredstev za študente s posebnimi potrebami.

Kdo je upravičen do dodatnih sredstev, preverite v razpisu, ki je na voljo tukaj (povezava do datoteke razpisa V SLOVENŠČINI).

Za izbrane študente bo organiziran avtobusni prevoz iz Kopra v Katovice.


Pred začetkom mobilnosti študent, domača fakulteta in gostujoča institucija podpišejo tristranski študijski sporazum, s katerim uskladijo vsebine mobilnosti in postopek priznavanja v tujini pridobljenih učnih izidov.


Vprašanja naslovite na transform4europe@upr.si.

The University of Silesia in Katowice invites students of all the T4EU partner universities to take part in the T4EU Week in Katowice, Poland. The event will take place from 21 to 25 October 2024 under the theme European Universities’ Diplomacy.

Each student can take one course, which lasts the whole week. All courses will be held in English. In your application, please rank the three courses you would like to attend in order of preference. You can choose from seven courses:

  1. English Communication Skills for STEM
  2. Negotiation Ninja: Skills for Business and Personal Triumphs
  3. Who, where, what, why, why not: understanding cultures in an incomprehensible world
  4. Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Students with Disabilities
  5. Gender Equality. Legal Aspects
  6. Challenges and Choices of the Anthropocene Epoch
  7. Fundamentals of cybersecurity – transdisciplinary approach

For each course, there will be an in-person component and an online component. The in-person component will take place during the T4EU Week, whereas the online component will happen before/after the week. The exact information will be sent from the course leaders after the selection process is completed.

To complete the course, you will have to pass a knowledge test, after which you will be awarded 3 ECTS by the University of Silesia.


UP students who:

  1. have the status of full-time or part-time students on undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes of UP and
  2. have not yet benefited from a 12-month Erasmus+ exchange during their studies at the same cycle within which they wish to participate in the mobility may apply.

Submit your application using this online form.

The application deadline is 4 September 2024.


The applications will be evaluated by an appointed UP Selection Committee. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, the Committee will assess the reasons for participating in the mobility:

  • why you decided to attend the T4EU Week course,
  • how it will affect your academic, professional and personal development,
  • what your expectations from the mobility are.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by email.


The selected students will be entitled to:

  1. a basic Erasmus+ grant of €79 per day (5 days of mobility and 2 days of travel),
  2. additional funding for students with fewer opportunities of €100,
  3. additional funding for students with special needs.

To find out who is eligible for the additional funding, please consult the call available here (povezava do datoteke razpisa V ANGLEŠČINI).

Bus transport from Koper to Katowice will be organised for the selected students.


Before the mobility, the student, the home faculty and the host institution sign a tripartite Learning Agreement to coordinate the content of the mobility and the procedure for recognising the learning outcomes acquired abroad.


For any questions, please contact transform4europe@upr.si.