Tekmovanje DCTF na UL FRI / DCTF competition at UL FRI

Društvo DragonSec SI že drugič organizira tekmovanje DCTF, ki bo za razliko od lani letos vključevalo tudi dogodek v živo, in sicer v nedeljo, 10. 4. 2022, od 11:00 do 20:00 v prostorih FRI (Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani). Ne zamudite!

Dogodek bo vključeval predavanja na temo kibernetske varnosti, odvijalo pa se bo tudi tekmovanje CTF (Capture the Flag), kjer se bodo udeleženci lahko preizkusili v hekerskih napadih.

Zagotovite si svojo vstopnico na: https://events.dragonsec.si/dctf2022/ (število vstopnic je omejeno).

Dogodek, ki se bo odvijal 10. 4. 2022, je namenjen slovenskim študentom, sicer pa društvo organizira tudi drugi del tekmovanja, ki je namenjen vsem. Drugi del bo v spletni izvedbi potekal od petka, 15. 4. 2022, 17:00 do nedelje, 17. 4. 2022, 17:00 in je objavljen tudi na portalu ctftime.

Več o tekmovanju lahko izvete na uradni strani tekmovanja.

For the second time, the DragonSec SI is organizing the DCTF competition, which, unlike last year, will also include a live event, on Sunday, April 10, 2022, from 11:00 to 20:00 at the FRI (Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana). Don’t miss it!

The event will feature lectures on cyber security and a CTF (Capture the Flag) competition where participants will be able to test themselves in hacker attacks.

Make sure you get your ticket at: https://events.dragonsec.si/dctf2022/ (number of tickets is limited).

The event, which will take place on April 10, 2022, is intended for Slovenian students, however the DragonSec SI is also organizing the second part of the competition, which is intended for everyone and will be implemented online. The second part will take place from Friday, April 15, 2022, 17:00 to Sunday, April 17, 2022, 17:00 and is also published on the ctftime portal.

You can find out more about the competition on the official website of the competition.