Turku Abo Poletna šola 2024: Turku Åbo Summer School 2024

Vabimo vse zainteresirane študente, da se udeležijo Poletne šole Turku Åbo, ki bo potekala avgusta 2024, v finskem univerzitetnem mestu Turku.

Poletna šola Turku Åbo ponuja 17 celovitih in v celoti akreditiranih tečajev, ki pokrivajo različna področja iz temeljnih območij petih visokošolskih institucij v regiji Turku; od oblikovanja iger in družbene trajnosti do financiranja, urbanističnega načrtovanja-

  • Celoten seznam ponujenih tečajev je na voljo tu: Course selection – TURKU ÅBO SUMMER SCHOOL (utu.fi)
  • Večina tečajev poteka na kraju samem, od 5. do 16. avgusta 2024.
  • Poleg tega so na voljo štiri tečaji, ki potekajo v lastnem tempu prek spleta in jih lahko opravljate s katerega koli kraja.
  • Cene tečajev se gibljejo od 50 do 75 €.

Rok za prijavo je 16. april 2024.

Dodatne informacije o postopku prijave in spletni prijavi so na voljo tukaj: Application – TURKU ÅBO SUMMER SCHOOL (utu.fi)


We extend an invitation to all interested students to participate in the Turku Åbo Summer School scheduled for August 2024, situated in one of Finland’s most traditional and sought-after study cities.

The Turku Åbo Summer School presents 17 comprehensive and fully accredited courses covering diverse subjects from the core areas of five higher education institutions in the Turku region. Gain valuable insights into topics ranging from game design and social sustainability to financing, urban planning, and more!

  • Explore the complete course selection: Course selection – TURKU ÅBO SUMMER SCHOOL (utu.fi)
  • The majority of courses are conducted on-site, necessitating your presence in Turku from August 5th to 16th.
  • Additionally, there are four self-paced online courses that offer flexibility and can be taken from any location.
  • Course fees range from 50-75€.

The application deadline is April 16, 2024.

Further details on the application procedure and online submission can be found here: Application – TURKU ÅBO SUMMER SCHOOL (utu.fi)