Turku Abo poletna šola ponuja 16 vsebinsko različnih in akreditiranih tečajev, od tega bo 5 tečajev potekalo online, ostali pa se bodo odvili med 7. in 18. avgustom 2023 v Turku na Finskem.
Vsak izmed tečajev je akreditiran in vreden 5 ECTS, z izjemo programa Multimodialna interakcija v profesionalnem kontekstu, ki je vreden 3 ECTS. Prijavnina znaša med 45€ in 75€, odvisno od izbranega tečaja.
Več informacij o posameznih tečajih je dostopnih v Katalogu tečajev.
Rok za prijave je 15. april 2023. Podrobnejše informacije o prijavnem procesu so dostopne tu.
Turku Åbo Summer School offers 16 topical, wide-ranging and fully accredited courses from the key areas of five higher education institutions in the Turku region.
Most of the courses are taught on-site and require presence in Turku from 7 to 18 August 2023. In addition, there are five online courses that you can take part in anywhere in self-paced.
Each course is fully accredited and worth 5 ECTS, except Multimodal Interaction in Professional Contexts that is a 3 ECTS course. The courses fee varies between 45€ and 75€. More about courses you can find in Course Selection.
Application deadline is 15 April 2023. All information regarding the application process are available here.