***English below
ACM Slovenija razpisuje Univerzitetni programerski maraton 2023. Tekmovanje bo sestavljeno iz poskusnega kola, treh predkol in finalnega kola. Datumi posameznih kol so objavljeni na koledarju. Finalno kolo bo potekalo v Mariboru, najboljše univerzitetne ekipe pa se bodo udeležile srednjeevropskega nivoja tekmovanja International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC CERC).
Naloge na UPM 2023 boste lahko reševali v naslednjih programskih jezikih:
- C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python 3 in C# (Mono).
Naloge iz prejšnjih let tekmovanja so na voljo na sodniškem sistemu. Besedila nalog bodo na voljo tudi v angleščini.
Ker se poskusno kolo (petek, 7. april 2023) že bliža, ste kapetani ekip vabljeni, da prijavite svojo ekipo. Če nimate svoje ekipe, pridite na Discord kanal .
Rok za prijavo je teden dni pred prvim kolom.
Več info >>> TUKAJ
Univerzitetni programerski maraton (UPM) je slovensko tekmovanje za študente v programiranju, kjer je poudarek na poznavanju algoritmov in podatkovnih struktur. Tekmovanje je ekipno in sestoji iz treh predkol in finalnega kola. UPM poteka na vseh treh slovenskih univerzah hkrati (UL, UM in UP) in predstavlja kvalifikacije za CERC (Central Europe Regional Contest), ki je sestavni del tekmovanja ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. Slednje je največje, najprestižnejše in najstarejše tovrstno tekmovanje.
ACM Slovenia announces the University Programming Marathon 2023. The competition will consist of a trial round, three regular rounds and the final round. The dates of individual rounds are published on the calendar. The final round will take place in Maribor, and the best university teams will take part at the Central European level of the competition International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC CERC).
You will be able to use the following programming languages:
- C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python 3 and C# (Mono).
Tasks from previous years are available on the judge system. Task descriptions will be available in Slovene and English. As the trial round (Friday, 7 April 2023) is approaching, captains are kindly invited to register teams. If you don’t have a team yet, you may visit the Discord channel
The application deadline is one week before the trial round.
More info >>> HERE
The University Programming Marathon (UPM) is a Slovenian programming competition for university students, where the emphasis is on knowledge of algorithms and data structures. The competition is for teams of three students and consists of three regular rounds and the final round. UPM takes place at all three Slovenian universities at the same time (UL, UM and UP) and represents the qualifications for CERC (Central Europe Regional Contest), which is an integral part of the International Collegiate Programming Contest. The latter is the largest, most prestigious and the oldest competition of its kind.