Vabilo k sodelovanju: Projekt INTRuST // Call For Participants: INTRuST Project

Projekt Erasmus+ INTRuST (Inovativne rešitve za usposabljanje za certificiran les v pohištvenem, lesnem, gradbenem in gozdarskem sektorju) vabi na brezplačen e-seminar o okoljskih certifikatih in digitalnih rešitvah za vrednostno verigo gozd-les-pohištvo.

V namene preizkušanja testne verzije iščejo zainteresirane preizkuševalce (študente, profesorje, administrativno osebje), ki bodo dostopali do učnega gradiva in posredovali povratne informacije.

Vsebinski sklopi zajemajo različne module v angleščini:

  • Trajnost v vrednostni verigi gozd-les
  • Uvod v industrijo 4.0
  • Regulativna pokrajina EU o digitalnem in zelenem prehodu
  • Ključne omogočitvene tehnologije za vrednostno verigo gozd-les, ki podpirajo zeleni prehod
  • Trajnostni certifikati za vrednostno verigo gozd-les
  • Zapiranje zanke v lesnem sektorju

Testno obdobje traja od 9. oktobra do 9. novembra 2023.

Vsi udeleženci bodo po opravljenem seminarju prejeli potrdilo o participaciji.

Želiš sodelovati? Prijavi se preko tega spletnega obrazca: INTRuST Online Course Registration (


The Erasmus+ project INTRuST (INnovative TRaining Solutions for certified wood in furniture, timber, building and foreSTry sectors) is now launching its new e-learning course on environmental certifications and digital solutions for the forest-wood-furniture value chain.

They are looking for interested testers (students, professors, administrative staff) to access the learning material and provide feedback.

The course covers the topic of wood and forest certifications in the application fields of wood, forestry, furniture and related sectors. The 6 training modules are available in English and are as follows:

  • Sustainability in the forest- wood value chain
  • Introduction to Industry 4.0
  • EU regulatory landscape on Digital and Green transition
  • Key enabling technologies for the forest-wood value chain supporting green transition
  • Sustainable certifications for the forest- wood value chain
  • Closing the loop in the wood sector

The testing period runs from 9th October to 9th November 2023

After successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate.

Interested? Mark your interest on the following form and we will provide you with an individual access to the platform: INTRuST Online Course Registration (