UP FAMNIT vabi na predavanje z naslovom »Chemical and Biological Data – from Compound Selection to Mode of Action Analysis (and Back)«, ki bo v petek, 19. maja 2017, ob 12.00 v predavalnici FAMNIT-1-MP1.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku in ga bo izvedel dr. Andreas Bender iz Centra za molekularno informatiko na Univerzi v Cambridgu (Združeno kraljestvo).
Več o predavatelju in njegovem raziskovalnem delu lahko preberete na tej povezavi.
Chemical and Biological Data – from Compound Selection to Mode of Action Analysis (and Back)
More and more chemical and biological information is becoming available, both in public databases as well as in company repositories. However, how to make use of this information in chemical biology and drug discovery settings is much less clear. In this work, we will discuss how chemical and biological information from different domains – such as compound bioactivity data, pathway annotations from the bioinformatics domain, and gene expression data – can be used for a variety of purposes, such as the mode-of-action analysis from phenotypic readouts,[1,2] anticipating compound toxicities in early discovery and during lead optimization based on gene expression data[3], and for designing and selecting compounds with the desired bioactivities against a range of protein targets[4] as well as cell lines[5]. Another application of much relevance to screening is the design of screening libraries, where we have explored the impact of cytotoxicity in such libraries, iterative screening[6] and the utilization of ‘informer sets’.
1. Koutsoukas A, et al. J. Proteomics 2011, 74, 2554 – 2574.
2. Drakakis G, et al. MedChemComm 2014, 5, 386 – 396.
3. Verbist B, et al. Drug Discov. Today 2015, 20, 505 – 513.
4. Van Westen GJP, et al. PLoS Comp. Biol. 2013, 9, e1002899.
5. Cortes-Ciriano I, et al. Bioinformatics 2016, 32, 85 – 95.
6. Paricharak S, et al. ACS Chem. Biol. 2016, 1255–1264.
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Kontakt: prof. Dušanka Janežič (dusanka.janezic@upr.si)