UP FAMNIT in UP IAM vabita na predavanje »The Plateau problem« izr. prof. dr. Guida De Philippisa z Mednarodne visoke šole za napredne študije – SISSA.
Dr. De Philippis je prejemnik nagrade Evropskega društva matematikov – EMS 2016, ki ga društvo podeljuje evropskim raziskovalcem (oziroma tistim, ki delajo v Evropi), mlajšim od 35. Leta, za odlične prispevke na področju matematike.
Predavanje v angleškem jeziku bo potekalo v ponedeljek, 24. 10. 2016 ob 10.00 v predavalnici Famnit-VP na Glagoljaški 8, Koper.
O predavatelju:
EMS Prize 2016
Guido De Philippis was awarded EMS Prize 2016 for his outstanding contributions to the regularity of solutions of Monge-Ampére equation and optimal maps and for his deep work on quantitative stability inequalities for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian and rigidity in some isoperimetric type inequalities.
Research Interests
Guido De Philippis is working in the area of Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory and Partial Differential Equations (PDE). In particular he is interested in the study of regularity and singularity issues in geometric variational problems (minimal surfaces, shape optimisation problems, capillarity problems) and non linear elliptic PDE. He is also interested in the study of qualitative of solutions and in quantitative geometric and functional inequalities.
Curriculum Vitae
2016 Associate Professor, SISSA Trieste (Italy)
2015 Chargé de Recherche CNRS, ENS Lyon (France)
2014 National Italian Habilitation as Associate Prof. in Math. Analysis
2014 Post Doc, University of Zurich, Zurich (CH)
2013 HCM Post Doc, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn (Germany)
2012 PhD in Mathematics, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Italy)
2009 MSc in Mathematics, University of Florence (Italy)
2007 BSc in Mathematics, University of Florence (Italy)