Vabilo na predavanje prof. Gyorgyja Kissa: “Finite Geometries and Graphs”

Obveščamo vas, da bo v ponedeljek, 15. marca 2010 na UP FAMNIT predaval prof. Gyorgy Kiss z Eotvos University iz Budimpešte, Madžarska. Predavanje, ki bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku, se bo pričelo ob 14.00 (do 18.00) in bo potekalo v predavalnici Pošta.

Naslov predavanja: Finite Geometries and Graphs
Kratek povzetek predavanja (v angl. jeziku):
There are many connections between finite geometries and extremalcombinatorics. Results in extremal graph theory motivate questions about finite geometric structures, while these structures appear often as solutions of extremal problems. In this talk we give a brief introduction to conics, quadrics, generalized quadrangles and some other objects in finite spaces, and give the solutions of several problems in extremal graph theory using the geometric properties of these pointsets.