Vabilo na računalniško tekmovanje “The UNITT International 2012”

The UNITT International 2012 je svetovni spletni natečaj za odkrivanje najboljših študentov računalništva in IT. TOP študenti iz celega sveta so vabljeni k tekmovanju v sposobnostih programiranja, logičnega razmišljanja in poslovnih znanj o UNITT (Universal IT Test), ki je preizkus posebej namenjen študentom računalništva in IT.


  • Prva nagrada: 10.000 $, druga nagrada: 2000 $, tretja nagrada: iPad2
  • Delo in ponudbe pripravništva pri vrhunskih IT podjetjih na Japonskem in izven
  • Brezplačen obisk Tokia  v novembru ali decembru.

Registracija je mogoča do 20.11.2012 na spletnem naslovu:


Več informacij si lahko preberete spodaj ali prek spletnih povezav.



UNITT International 2012 is a world-wide online competition to discover TOP IT and computer students. TOP students from all over the world will compete in the programing skills, logical thinking, and business skills on UNITT (Universal IT Test), which is an online test specially designed for IT and Computer Science students to assess their skills and knowledge.

UNITT International 2012 will provide you an opportunity to:

  • Win our contest. ( Gold prize: US$ 10,000, Silver prize: US$ 2,000, Bronze prize: iPad2)
  • Get job and internship offers from top-notch IT companies in Japan and outside of Japan such as Rakuten, Inc. and GREE, Inc. Check some of our clients:


  • Visit Tokyo for free in November or December.

Eligibility for Entry:

  • All students who are currently enrolled in any University (Undergraduate and Graduate school.)
  • Students who are a registered member of TOP CAREER International. For those who haven’t registered yet, please register from ‘REGISTER’ or ‘Sign in with Facebook’ located on the right hand side of the screen.

Selection Process & Schedule:

  1. Entry Period: From October 10 to November 20, 2012
  2. 1st round: From November 24 to November 25, 2012 (Japan time)
  3. 2nd round: From December 8 to December 9, 2012 (Japan time)
  4. Final round: In the middle of January

Results for the Final round will be announced: In January

There is possibility that many people apply, so we will have to notify the applicants that we can only accept applications on a first-come first-served basis.


Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation

For details, visit our website and Facebook. You can see updated information about UNITT in the Facebook.


TOP CAREER International
Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation

TEL: +81-3-3263-6897 FAX: +81-3-3263-6848
Kojimachi Akiyama Bldg 7F, 5-3 Kojimachi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
