V četrtek, 20. 4. 2023, med 11. in 17. uro, bo v dvorani Bonifika v Kopru potekal Regijski zaposlitveno-karierni, na katerega ste lepo vabljeni vsi študentje.
Na sejmu se bo predstavilo skoraj 70 delodajalskih organizacij iz lokalnega okolja, regije in tudi širše, med njimi tudi Univerza na Primorskem. Sejem je tako odlična priložnost za mreženje študentov s svojimi potencialnimi delodajalci, organizatorji študijske prakse, študentkega dela, ipd.
Vsem zainteresiranim študentom za udeležbo Karierni center Univerze na Primorskem ponuja tudi možnost priprave in pregleda CV ter druge oblike podpore in svetovanja pri pripravah na srečanja z delodajalci v okviru sejma.
V ta namen bo pred samim sejmom organiziran tudi skupni pripravljalni dogodek, ki bo v torek, 18. 4. 2023, ob 14. uri, preko ZOOM.
Zato vabljeni k prijavi oziroma najavi udeležbe. Prijave so namenjene predvsem organizaciji obiska na sejmu ter pripravi posameznikov za uspešno mreženje s potencialnimi delodajalci.
Za dodatne informacije in pojasnila so vam sodelavci Kariernega centra UP na voljo preko e-pošte: kariernicenter@upr.si ali na telefonski številki: 05/611 76 36
On Thursday, 20 April 2023, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., the Regional Career Fair will take place in Bonifika Hall in Koper, to which all students are cordially invited.
Almost 70 employer organizations from the local environment, the region and beyond will present themselves at the fair, including the University of Primorska. The fair is thus an excellent opportunity for students to network with their potential employers, student work providers, traineeship opportunities, etc.
To all students interested in participating, the Career Center of the University of Primorska also offers the possibility of preparing and reviewing CVs, as well as other forms of support and advice in preparing for meetings with employers as part of the fair.
For this purpose, a preparatory event will be organized before the fair itself, which will take place on Tuesday, 18 April 2023, at 2 p.m., via ZOOM.
Therefore, you are invited to apply or announce your participation. Applications are primarily intended for organizing a visit to the fair and preparing individuals for successful networking with potential employers.
For additional information and explanations, the colleagues of the UP Career Center are at your disposal via e-mail: kariernicenter@upr.si or on the phone number: 05/611 76 36